Education FAQs

Continuing Education Frequently Asked Questions

How many Continuing Education (CE) hours are required yearly for AMTA renewal?
The AMTA CE requirement is not annual, but rather every four years. A Professional member must complete 48 hours of continuing education in that period.

How many CE hours are required for Illinois license renewal?
As of January, 2024 the Act requires 25 hours during each renewal period starting with the licensees second renewal. The 25 hours must be earned in the current renewal period, and excess hours cannot be used to meet the next renewal period requirement.  Of the 25 hours of CE, 2 of them are required to be ethics training, and 1 of them is required to be concerning preventing sexual harassment training and 1 of them is required to be domestic violence and sexual assault awareness  All 25 may be completed online, in person or a mixture of both. However, IDFPR is not requiring this added CE for 2024 renewal. 

Are any specific courses required per renewal period.
Of the 25 required hours of CE, 2 of them must be classified as ethics classes; 1 CE in sexual harassment prevention and 1 CE in domestic violence and sexual assault awareness.

Do I have to take all my courses from NCBMTB-approved providers?
The State of Illinois has adopted a rule that says they will accept for license renewal CE hours obtained from NCBTMB-approved providers, providers approved by the state of Illinois, or from approved massage schools or programs in Illinois. AMTA does not recognize or qualify providers of CE courses. It makes no specific requirement that the courses be taken from a NCBTMB-approved provider.

When do I submit my continuing education hours to the AMTA?
Submit the hours when you renew your membership, or better yet when you take a course. You do not need to wait until the end of the four-year period. Just go to the AMTA’s login area to provide the program(s) that you have completed.

Where do I find continuing education programs?
You can find programs on the AMTA National Website. There are courses on-line in AMTA’s distance learning program. You can find National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) recognized providers in your area at the NCBTMB Website. You also can contact your local chapter or a massage school in your area.