It’s an even year and you know what that means: Illinois Massage Therapy License Renewal year!
Here’s what you’ll need for renewal. The current CE requirement is 24 CE At this time there is not restrictions on how these CE are taken (live, in-person, webinar, video, home study). 3 CEs are required: 2 in Ethics and 1 in Sexual Harassment Prevention.
License Renewal Fee is $175. Payment instructions can be found on the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation‘s website. Notices will be sent out in October using the contact information they have on hand, so make sure they have your current information.
Although HB 2756 has passed requiring an additional mandatory class in Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Awareness, IDFPR is not requiring the course for this renewal. This bill will increase our CEs to 25 hours total with an added course in Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Awareness.
In preparation, our chapter will be offering classes live and virtually, to help satisfy your CE requirements for the renewal year.
REGISTRATION FOR THE FALL SERIES IS OPEN. Classes offered in this webinar Series are Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Training, and Sexual Harassment for Massage Therapists. Instruction by Donna Kowalczyk-Suchecki. Click here to secure your spot today!
2024 AMTA-IL Annual Meeting Conference Handouts