House of Delegates 2016
Cynthia Spake
Maria Durbin Cooper
Lois Hanley
Steve Albertson
Rob Laubach
On Wednesday, October 26th, the annual meeting of the AMTA HOD took place in Milwaukee, during National Convention. No Position Statements or Recommendations were submitted this year, so the National Board of the HOD took the opportunity to open discussion regarding the current purpose of HOD, along with how the HOD meeting has been conducted, namely the Robert Rules of Engagement. Also, the HOD members were asked to explore new possibilities of the HOD that would include purpose and function of the meeting.
To explore these two questions, we broke into small groups with a few of our delegation team members and other delegates from other states. We were allowed to report on these ideas to the moderator, Lee Stang. Alternate delegates who attended the meeting were allowed on the floor and to participate in the small group discussions. Maria was a spokesperson for her group, and did an excellent job expressing ideas and excellent note taking for the National Board to review.
It has been a great pleasure to serve the HOD for the past three years. A new delegation team, except for one position occupied by Becky Schwoebel, will need to be elected for 2017.
Thank you, to the members for electing me to represent them, to the team members who participated, and to the Board for their support of the HOD members.
Cynthia S. Spake, Illinois Delegate