Important License Renewal Information – IDFPR Requirements
Illinois Massage Therapist,
This year is a renewal year. All Illinois Massage Therapy Licenses expire on December 31, 2016. You will not receive a renewal notice in the mail nor will you receive your new license in the mail.
Starting in November you can go online to the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation’s website at to renew your Illinois Massage Therapy license. Once you have renewed your license you can print your license off by going to the below link:
If you do not renew by December 31, 2016 you will be required to show IDFPR proof of completion of 24 hours of CE (submit copy’s of CE certificates). In addition, you will be charged a late fee.
If you do not renew by December 31, 2016 you are not allowed to work as a Massage Therapist in the State of Illinois until you renew and your CE hours have been approved. If you choose not to renew and are still working as a Massage Therapist; by not renewing your Illinois Massage Therapist license you are breaking the law (this is considered practicing without a license).
Please make sure IDFPR has your correct information please confirm your information at the link below.
The link below is how to Change your Address, Email Address or Telephone Number
CE requirements.
Twenty-four (24) hours of Continuing Education is required for an Illinois Massage Therapist.
Twelve (12) hours of CE hours must be supervised classroom and supervised hands-on instruction. The other twelve (12) hours can be completed online or various other ways (see below). Of the twenty-four (24) hours, two (2) hours must be in Ethics. The CE must be NCBTMB, Illinois School approved, or Illinois CE Sponsor approved.
Illinois approved Schools:
Illinois Private & Vocational Schools
Illinois approved Colleges & Universities
Illinois approved Massage Therapy CE Sponsor list
NCBTMB’s CE sponsor approved list
If you choose a NCBTMB CE Class, go to their website and confirm that the provider is still approved with NCBTMB. In addition, confirm the class is listed and approved by NCBTMB.
As outlined in the Illinois Rules Section 1284.90 Continuing Education CE must meet the below requirements.
Section 1284.90 Continuing Education
- a) Continuing Education Hours Requirements
1) in order to renew a license, a licensee shall be required to complete 24 hours of continuing education, including at least 2 hours of ethics.
2) A prerenewal period is the 24 months preceding December 31 of each even-numbered year.
3) One CE hour shall equal 50 minutes.
4) Courses that are part of the curriculum of a university, college or other educational institution shall be allotted CE credit at the rate of 15 CE hours for each semester hour or 10 CE hours for each quarter hour of school credit awarded.
5) A renewal applicant shall not be required to comply with CE requirements for the first renewal of an Illinois license.
6) Massage therapists licensed in Illinois but residing and practicing in other states shall comply with the CE requirements set forth in this Section.
7) Continuing education credit hours used to satisfy the CE requirements of another jurisdiction may be applied to fulfill the CE requirements of the State of Illinois.
- b) Approved Continuing Education (CE)
1) CE hours shall be earned by verified attendance at (e.g., certificate of attendance or certificate of completion) or participation in a program or course (program) that is offered or sponsored by an approved continuing education sponsor;
2) Up to 12 hours of CE credit per renewal may be earned as follows:
- A) For completion of a self-study course that is offered by an approved sponsor who meets the requirements set forth in subsection (c). Each self-study course shall include an examination.
- B) Credit may be earned for papers prepared and delivered before recognized massage therapy organizations; papers published in nationally recognized massage therapy journals; or a chapter published in a book on massage therapy, each appropriately verified.
- C) First time presentation of an academic course or workshop, seminar, in-service, electronic, or Web-based course. Speeches made at luncheons or banquets or any other presentation not within the guidelines of this Section are not eligible for CE credit.
Make sure the certificates say the following
- A) The name, address and license number of the sponsor;
- B) The name and license number of the participant;
- C) A brief statement of the subject matter;
- D) The number of hours attended in each program;
- E) The date and place of the program; and
- F) The signature of the sponsor or person responsible for the CE program.
Implementing the Massage Licensing Act [225 ILCS 57] and authorized by Section 2105-15(7) of the Civil
Administrative Code of Illinois [20 ILCS 2105/2105-15(7)].
*** Please read your CE certificates completely, the CE certificate that you will receive once you have completed a CE class must have all of the above (A-F) on the certificate. If the above information (A-F) is not on the certificate, contact the CE provider and have them, correct the certificate with the above outlined items. By not having the correct information on your CE certificate this can delay your renewal of licensure.
NOTE – if this is your first renewal with Illinois you are not required to complete CE however, you are required to renew your license by December 31, 2016.
For more Illinois Massage Therapy License Information please visit IDFPR’s website at the link below