Ethics and Chronic Pain Seminars
Hello LMTs!
It’s a license renewal year and AMTA is offering you
a wonderful opportunity to get your required Ethics CEs completed.
This fall seminar is a 5 hour total CE course which includes
3 Ethics CEs plus 2 CEs covering Chronic Pain.
Kathy Paholsky, energetic and highly regarded in the profession,
will be our educator. AMTA is offering 3 separate days and locations for
this one seminar. Choose the location closest to you!
Kathy Paholsky
I have worked as a massage and bodywork practitioner and educator for over 30 years. I’m currently employed in a Functional Medicine office, specializing in Craniosacral and Manual Therapy. I am licensed as a massage therapist in Michigan, Board Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork by NCBTMB, an NCBTMB Approved Provider and presenter for AMTA National and State conferences. My courses are fun, interactive, practical and appropriate for all levels of work experience. I believe that the best learning takes place in a positive atmosphere!
Ethics & Healthy Boundaries
(3 Ethics CEs – meets NCB requirement)
In this Interactive session, we’ll explore methods of setting and maintaining healthy boundaries in the workplace. We’ll also discuss ways to balance empathy, caring and nurturing and the role of emotions and feelings in the professional setting. Time will also be spent on practical applications of stress reduction techniques as an important part of ethical behaviors.
Outcomes and Objectives
- Expand methods of dealing with boundary issues with clients.
- Identify the role of emotions and feelings in nurturing relationships.
- Explore self-care tools to maintain boundaries.
Topics Addressed
- Self-Disclosure and its role in Boundaries
- Personal and professional boundaries: where is the carryover?
- Self-care Tools
Chronic Pain Relief (2 CEs)
Studies on the physiology and psychology of chronic pain are continually being researched and updated, and it’s often hard for the practicing massage therapist to stay on top of the information. We’ll discuss the latest findings, and the impact of massage on pain management.
Outcomes and Objectives
- Explore the possible causes and physiologic process of chronic pain\
- Identify benefits of massage therapy as applied to chronic pain symptoms
- Compare methods of therapeutic interventions for clients dealing with chronic pain
Topics Addressed
- Pathophysiology of pain
- Long term effects of chronic pain
- Treatment options
- Working with a pain management team
Course Fee
AMTA Member
Early Bird-Registration by September 1st – $100
Standard -Registration Sept 2nd or after – $125
Registration at anytime – $125
This course must be taken in its entirety.
There is NOT an option to take only a portion of the seminar.
Each 5 CE Course includes a 3 hour segment
in the morning, an independent lunch out,
followed by the 2 hour Chronic Pain segment
in the afternoon.
Register by clicking on ONLY 1 of the courses
to the left. A link takes you to your registration page.
Location details are on that page.
Have your AMTA member number ready.
See you in the fall!
Questions re this course?
Cancellation Policy
All cancellations must be submitted in writing to AMTA-IL.
Fees are charged according to the following timeline:
$50 – Any request postmarked at least 14 days before event.
$75 – Any request postmarked less than 14 but more than
7 days before event.
Cancellation requests postmarked less than seven days before
the event are not eligible for a refund.
Submit cancellation request to:
Post Office Box 55
O’Fallon IL 62269
Upcoming Seminar Locations
Swansea, IL
Friday, Sept 23, 2016
9am to 3pm
Champaign, IL
Sat, Sept 24, 2016
9am to 3pm
Chicago, IL
Sunday Sept 25, 2016
9am to 3pm