Why I Volunteer
…You know… Life is when we are connected to each other, and when we are giving, we get back abundantly…
Robin: “Hi Nancy, I am supposed to provide an article for the upcoming newsletter, and I was thinking of asking one of my volunteers to write a short article about the joys of giving back to your association and profession through volunteering. I was wondering if you would be willing to do that?”
Nancy: “I’d be delighted, Robin! Funny you should ask… I had just asked the question: ‘Why do you volunteer?’ to Tony and Vicki at the table late Saturday night after having danced our feet off the whole evening to the DJ/evening entertainment! Their answers resonated with my own.”
I volunteer for professional, financial, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social reasons, as well as out of gratitude.
Professionally: I receive excellent training from those who have gone before me and have years of experience and education. This helps to expand my experience and knowledge in order to grow my practice and broaden how I serve my clients.
There is also support on a broader scale, with advancements in our field and changes in legislation that helps us have more opportunities in the future and to be able to help and reach more people. Exciting stuff!!
Financially: as I grow and learn, so does my practice and income.
Mentally: not only is it pure education, I also begin to feel more confident at what I do when I see that I’m doing many of the things the teachers are showing, and there is ALWAYS something new to add to what I do. My mantra is: “I learn something new every day!”
Emotionally/spiritually… there is a bonding that happens when you get around others of your “kind”. We work in a very singular type of profession. When we share how we practice, where we’ve been, what we’ve given, praise those who have done extraordinary things, there is a sharing and a pride that goes with that. I was so proud to be “among greatness”. I have seen many of the faces in the past few years (since Robin has introduced me to attending the AMTA-IL Conferences). I’ve seen them hold different roles and talked and rubbed elbows with them over the last few years.
I’m so proud to be among people who are excelling and giving and have compassionate hearts. It’s such a positive atmosphere that I leave charged, have new vision for where I can grow and contribute and give back.
You know… Life is when we are connected to each other, and when we are giving, we get back abundantly. There is so much joy there! This is my life’s work. This is what I was born to do. And to be around those who are blazing trails, showing me how it’s done, THAT’S PRICELESS! It’s a place where I can put my heart into what I do.
Socially: not only for the previously mentioned reasons, but, networking is HUGE! Networking is what feeds every business, every person. And we can glean some of the smallest lessons and some of the greatest connections by being social with each other. I worked with some amazing fellow volunteers. I got to hear new speakers as well as familiar faces once again. (Steve, your speech for Becky was perfection!)
By “coincidence”, one of the teachers came and sat down next to ME at lunch. I’ve been trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I want to be a teacher/trainer. He filled me in on his path and gave advice on how to get started, all within 10 minutes while sitting next to me at lunch and before the speakers started! He calls it “coincidence”; I call it Divine!!!
There are friendships that are built …And for all the above mentioned reasons, I am grateful.
Thank you for asking, Robin! And I look forward to continuing to work with you and the AMTA. Great things to come!
Most sincerely,
Nancy Corbige
Licensed Massage Therapist, BCTMB, AMTA
847-212- 0237