From The President’s Desk

Hello Everyone,


Spring is winding down, the summer is quickly approaching, and the good works of the chapter

are underway! Before we get to those good works, I would like to introduce myself. My name

is Marva Wright, and I have been a Massage Therapist for 10 years. I live in Champaign-Urbana

and for those of you who cheer for the “Fighting Illini”, you know where that is. For those of you

who aren’t into Illinois sports, we like to refer to our neck of the woods as “central Illinois.” It

is my honor to serve you as your President for the next two years, and I would like to thank you

for all of the positive energy that you’ve sent my way. I will be sending it back continuously.


We just wrapped up our annual state conference a month ago. Thanks to you, we had a fantastic

turn out! We had a first-rate line-up of presenters and for the second year in a row, we offered a

great deal on the price of the conference. We hope that you had fun picking up new techniques,

meeting new friends and learning from the best! It will be hard to “one up” this year’s

conference, but don’t think for one second that we’ll let that stop us from trying.


The first weekend of June (4th & 5th), the Illinois Chapter Board of Directors will be meeting at

the Hilton Garden Inn in Des Plaines, for the annual Strategic Planning Meeting. This is where

we will be mapping out the Chapter’s goals and plans for the next year. All members are

welcomed to join us. If you are interested in attending please send us an email at: so that we can “leave the light on for you,” so to say.


In September, the Chapter has scheduled some well needed continuing education courses, so

mark your calendars now! Kathy Paholsky will be presenting an Ethics and Chronic pain

Seminar. She will be teaching these seminar’s in Fairview Heights on September 23rd , in

Champaign on September 24th, and in Chicago on September 25th . More information is

forthcoming, but you can mark your calendars now. We didn’t want you to be without your

ethics hours with this being a license renewal year.


Join us in Milwaukee, Wisconsin October 26-29th for the AMTA National Convention! We want

you to be there so badly that we’re offering an awesome promotion! The first 200 Illinois

members to register for the full convention will save $200! All you have to do is call the

National Office (1-877- 905-2700, promotion available by phone only) and let them know

that you’re from IL and would like to register for the full convention with our promotion, 200 for

$200! This is a benefit for Illinois members only. Hope to see you there!


As I close, I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to serve you by saying

“Aloha.” I wish you peace and prosperity in all of your journeys. In addition, I’m looking

forward to a great year through whatever comes our way.

Marva Wright

AMTA-IL Chapter President