President’s Message
This will be the last article I will write as the AMTA-IL Chapter President, and I hope that during my term I have been able to make a positive impact on both the current and future, of the AMTA-IL Chapter.
Thank you for the opportunity to lead, and for your patience as I grew in my position. It has been my honor to serve you, our members, for the past four years. I have enjoyed serving on the Chapter Board of Directors with my fellow board members; and along the journey I learned so much from everyone involved, from my fellow board members, committee members, delegates, national office staff, and our members. This is definitely one experience I will never forget!
My journey in leading the Chapter wasn’t done alone. I was accompanied by my fellow board members and volunteers, who shared in our successes and learned from our failures. I want to thank each of them, but my thanks also goes out to you, the Members, for your support during these years of change.
For without you, AMTA-IL would not exist. It has been my pleasure to serve you.
I will also enjoy seeing the Chapter prosper under the guidance of new board leadership. I do leave the chapter in capable hands. Hands that will nurture, and guide, and lead. The new leadership will want the best for the chapter, just as I have.
The chapter elections for board members, delegates, and alternate delegates will be online this year, for the first time. Please consider serving the membership, and submit an application for one of these important positions:
- Chapter President
- Secretary
- 2nd Vice President
- Member-At-Large
- Delegate / Alternate Delegate
The persons who have filled these positions will be announced at the Chapter Conference/Annual Meeting to be held April 15 – 17, 2016.
Some of the presenters at the 2016 Conference are: Ruth Werner, Brent Jackson, Jason Erickson, Vivian Mahoney, Ellen Letten, Mike Hovi, and more. Prices for the conference have been held at the same rate as last year, just $200 for all three days and up to 18 credit hours.
In closing, I have one final request. I ask that each of you pledge your continues support to AMTA-IL and help out 2016 and beyond, AMTA-IL leaders continue the journey to deliver the success our association deserves. Thank you for making my term as your Chapter President a time I will remember fondly forever.
Becky Schwoebel