Outreach Corner
By Tony Karoumi
Happy New Year my fellow AMTA-IL members! I hope you enjoyed the holidays and are keeping warm. We seemed to have “lucked out” with the weather in the Northwest Suburbs through 2015, but the cold has seemed to set in for the New Year.
Let’s talk about Outreach.
I’m always thinking about how to improve and grow our Community Outreach Committee. And in that sentence is the keyword…”Committee.” To really succeed in helping out with the Community, we need an Outreach committee. I need a group of my peers who want to volunteer their time and talent. And that time and talent can be actual chair and table massage, brainstorming and executing ideas, writing newsletters, keeping up with social media, event development, scheduling, etc.
So this year, my main goal is going to be developing the committee. How am I going to achieve this? Getting out and meeting you, the members. I am going to commit myself to “Last Sunday Lunches.” The Last Sunday of each month, starting January 31st, I will host a meet up for any member who wishes to join, with the focus being Outreach development.
The first meet-up will be at Nick’s Pizza & Pub in Crystal Lake, IL at 12pm. A light lunch will be provided for active AMTA-IL members in good standing. After the first “Last Sunday Lunch” other locations will be announced per feedback I get from our members. I really hope to see you at these meet-ups and at our State Conference.
Please contact me via email amta.tonykaroumi@gmail.com to RSVP and to let me know where you want a “Last Sunday Lunch” located.