Incredible Volunteering
“I am only one, but I still am one. I cannot do everything, but I can still do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.” -Edward Everett Hale
As Secretary of the Illinois Chapter of the American Massage Therapy Association, it has been my privilege to serve as a member of the Board of Directors. The Board consists of the President, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, and Member at Large. Each month, with a few exceptions, we meet (either face to face, through conference calls, or internet video) to discuss various issues involving the association. Always, the most important topic is how we can best serve members. That may be through continuing education offered to members at discounted prices, legislative issues that either impact the good name of the massage therapist, or may infringe on the right to practice, and we are always looking at ways to get more people involved.
The major topic of discussion at the most recent Board of Directors meeting was regarding the upcoming Spring Conference. We had the opportunity to meet with the Event Coordinator, and she in turn was able to meet several committee chairpersons, and made aware of their respective responsibilities and how they could assist in making the entire process run smoothly. Just a few of the topics considered for conference educational sessions are: Research; Hospital Based Massage; Tia Massage; Zero Balancing; Kinisio Taping; Insurance and Medical Coding; Emotional Freedom Technique; etc. etc… Final selections will be made soon.
When asked to serve as Secretary I accepted, thinking my job was to every month, take minutes and submit a report on the Board meeting. I thought wrong. Every board member has numerous responsibilities. Responsibilities that could and should be taken on by others, except there are not enough ‘others’. Though, I should say, not enough willing others. Those of us who volunteer our time and talents, do so because we love what we do. We like being involved and we like doing our part to make/keep the Illinois Chapter of AMTA strong. We also would like a little help. If you are not interested in a board position, there are plenty of opportunities to assist, with one time only events or ongoing projects. Please consider giving back to the organization that gives so much to you, and the massage therapy profession. Volunteer. Like the cereal commercial said, “Try it, you’ll like it.”
Clem Carder, Secretary AMTA-IL