Outreach Corner
What do you call this season, Autumn or Fall?
Well, this is by far my favorite season of the year. The air has dropped to a cool, crisp temperature. It makes me want to throw on a comfy jacket, drink some cider, throw some soup in the crockpot, go pick some pumpkins, and carve a jack-o-lantern.
Heading into Fall, September was pleasantly busy with a couple of Outreach events that I attended. September 14-20th, I had the pleasure volunteering at the ITU World Triathlon, here, in Chicago. I had the honor of working alongside two other fantastic AMTA Massage Therapists, Nestor Battung and Byron Thomas.
Nestor has previously held a couple AMTA-IL board positions, and was once in my position as Community Outreach Chair. Nestor was gracious enough to give up almost a whole week from a busy personal practice and time from his wife and newborn to help out with the triathlon.
This was the first time I met Byron. He specializes with triathletes and in making you laugh. He brought some useful insight and such a great sense of energy to the table.
Volunteering for the triathlon is both fun and hard work. Speaking for myself, between Tuesday and Saturday, I performed 52+, thirty minute massages on the table. Nestor and Byron also worked similar shifts.
We did have time to catch some of the triathlon and spend some time in the city (I walked around Greek town with my falafel sandwich one night in the rain…good times).
The second event I volunteered at was the Lyme Disease Walk, in Barrington. The walk is organized by the Lyme Support Network. The 7th annual walk was held on Sunday, September 27th. The event raises funds to support research, education, awareness, and innovative treatments for Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases.
I helped provide table massages for the participants of the walk. It was an eye opening experience to a disease I know very little about.
I look forward to learning more about this disease and helping this event out annually.
Well, whether you call this Autumn or Fall, I hope you get some cider and meet up with some friends for a bonfire and enjoy yourself.
If you would like to get involved with Outreach in some capacity or have a great event we can help with, please email me at AMTA.TonyKaroumi@gmail.com.
-Tony Karoumi (The bearded one)